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Top Rabbit Water Bottles, Food Dishes, and Hay Feeders

    Rascally Rabbit’s picks for cage accessories

    Now that you have your rabbit cage or hutch picked out, It’s time to think of what you will use to put feed, hay, and water in.

    If you live in a climate that has hot summers, you need to make sure there is plenty of water accessible for your rabbit 24 hours a day. The two most common ways to water rabbits is with a dish or crock and with water bottles. Another way you can ensure your rabbit has enough water is to use a much larger container and rig it up with a hose and a watering nipple.

    During the summer months I prefer to use watering bottles. They generally hold more than crocks, and the rabbits can’t tip them over or jump in them and make a mess. However, be careful, as sometimes they can leak and the rabbit will end up with no water at all within a short time frame. I will list a few options below.

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    In the winter months, when freezing is an issue, I like using crocks, as I can easily submerge them in warm water and the ice dumps right out. I keep extra crocks on hand so I can trade them out easily with thawed ones if I don’t want to mess with it while out in the barn. I really like the Kaytee stoneware crocks. They are heavy enough that they don’t tip too easily, and are very durable. If you have a larger breed rabbit you will want to purchase a larger crock. Just something to keep in mind, as they come in an assortment of sizes. Here is a sampling of what is available.

    Now you need something to put the feed and hay into! I use the Kaytee Stoneware crock listed above for the feed, but you can also use a feed and hay combo if you prefer. Using a hay feeder that your rabbit has to pull hay from will keep him (or her) busy for a good bit and breaks up some of the boredom from being confined. You will find that your rabbit enjoys munching on both timothy hay and pelleted feed. To keep their diet well balanced I recommend feeding both. Will talk more about diet later. For now here are some examples of feeders you might be interested in.

    I hope you have found some of this information useful! Until next time, I hope you are enjoying your rabbit journey!
